Impresscms Trust_Path Permissions? chmod owner & group...

Posted by thomas on 1202675272
Hello, I just installed the impresscms_1.0_rc.tar.gz for the first time. On a server running php with a handler called suphp.

My question is related to the trust_path of impress and the correct permissions the folder needs to be set at.

All the impress files are chmod 644 and folders are chmod 755 inside of the public_html directory. Except for the mainfile which is set to chmod 444

Also in order for the cms to work the owner and group permissions need to be set as well. This is called chown in the server management world.

The layout of those are

chown account.account -R /home/account/public_html/

This gives all files and folders a setting of
owner = account & group = account


chown account.nobody /home/account/public_html/

Make sure your public_html folder is set to
owner = account & group = nobody


Like I said above this post is related to the impress trust_path folder.

So what would be the correct permission for this folder to have the most secure environment possible? Meaning what should the chmod, owner and group be set to prevent hackers?

Thanks for your time...


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