Re: Impresscms security and web hotell choice (PHP)

Posted by Madfish on 1455166119
Everything on the server is a potential security risk, so try to get a dedicated account for your site with nothing else on it. Ideally a VPS (as shared webserver accounts are more risky) but those are pretty expensive. Don't install modules you don't need.

Keep your site up to date, if any security patches come out you should apply them as soon as possible.

Install the Protector module, it does what it says and guards against the most common attacks.

The most important thing though - back up your site regularly. If anything goes wrong you can always get your site back. Bear in mind a hack may go undetected for a long time, so you should keep a time sequence of backups (and test them periodically - nothing worse than finding out your backup is a dud).

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