Hi ! I try to install ImpressCMS 2.0.0 Alpha but I can't run it. I even try to directly indicate the username,password on Database provider however it just remove the error message and the functionality still can't be use.
php version : PHP 7.4.11
OS : Windows
(5th time installation)
- clone the repo https://github.com/ImpressCMS/impresscms.git
- run composer install
- create a .env file (empty file)
- create database named impresscms
- go to /htdocs where it redirect to installation page
- setup database connection (default username and password on xampp) and I also select PDO Mysql
- I add the database name (impresscms) and change the prefix to empty
- setup account
- insert data to database (I get this message : All done. Took 5.5023s)
- install module (Message : Module System updated successfully.)
Now it seems the installation complete I go to impresscms/htdocs and it render the error message
Clicking multiple times a functionality return this (check image)
Now I solve this via modifying the code (check image)
After doing that the error for mysql will not appear anymore but still I can't use the login and the not found message still here..
Regards :)
This Post was from: https://www.impresscms.org/iforum/viewtopic.php?topic_id=5900&post_id=50707