Easter holidays, so work has been a bit more slow. I did manage to finish the German translation in transifex this evening, I'll upload a complete translation pack tomorrow.
I did start to rework my solution to plugin to the composer library, but I got lost in the complexity of what I'm trying to get. I think I'm aiming too high, certainly for a first version Work continues on that, because it is one of the remaining new funtionalities that needs to go in before we can start looking into producing beta versions of the 2.0 branch - feature complete, but perhaps more bugfixing needed. My new approach is to let the design patterns on the side for the moment, and just get something working first. We can refactor the hell out of it afterwards.
Because nobody understood why we work in the 'retro' branch, and because those reasons date way back, Mekdrop has taken on the task of migrating our working branch for ImpressCMS 2.0 to the 'master' branch.
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