First u need to download XIGG 1.0.0 u need a GNU Gettext editor like PO Edit extract somewhere xigg-1.0.0b1 (xigg-1.0.0), 1.0.0b1 doesn't have any changes except the version number.
Open Xigg_XOOPSCube_all-1.0.0b1\xoops_trust_path\PEAR\SabaiXOOPS.php
on line 154, u have to found
function getLocales()
and the locales, few locales (and this is not the best way of "getting locales"), but anyway...
You will see something like
'de' => array('ISO-8859-1' => 'de_DE.ISO8859-1',
'UTF-8' => 'de_DE.UTF-8'),
'es' => array('ISO-8859-1' => 'es_ES.ISO8859-1',
'UTF-8' => 'es_ES.UTF-8'),
And you have to add your locale as how it comes for your country.
Eg. for Greeks - el_GR.UTF-8, for Hebrew - he_IL.UTF-8 or ko_KR.UTF-8 for Koreans. Then save the changes and proceed with the GNU Gettext translation of the .PO files. After u completing translation, create the following folders.
in Xigg_XOOPSCube_all-1.0.0b1\xoops_trust_path\PEAR\Xigg\locales
create a new folder called
Where xx_XX is your locale, inside this folder create LC_MESSAGES and put the two files created by PO Editor something.po and inside that folder, then rename both files to and xigg.po.
And you are in :)
All language codes listed in GNU Gettext some countries like Portuguese, u have to pick between pt_BR ot pt_PT, but in both ways have to finish with .UTF-8. eg. pt_BR.UTF-8 or pt_PT.UTF-8.
NOTE: For Impress 1.0/XOOPS 2.0.18 users, change global variable in /language/your-language/global.php from ISO8859-1. On some HSP set PHP_FLAG to UTF-8 in your .htaccess or wait for the RC of Impress 1.1.
Thanks to:
... damaster for loosing my time once again (Searches some times works, but if everyone sends newbies to the the Search, noobs will gone to something more newbie friendly like ICMS :).
... messy Cube forums
... IBM for the detailed info about
Multi-locale Support with UTF-8... and Onokazu for his great work on Xigg
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