Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

Posted by Vaughan on 1218985439

$Id: admin.php,v 1.23 2006/11/05

that id & version number is produced automatically by CVS and increased each time it is committed. you can't reliably count on that version number being the most current. especially with different languages.

everyone is editing different files because each language has a different file. sure we could have all the version numbers the same, but the moment an english person changes his lang file, the version becomes wrong. then if the german translator changes his lang file, his version number is changed also, so then we have to keep syncing file versions.. more work to do.

all changed language field from each release should be in the docs folder inside the language_changelog file. so translators only need to look at that file, and they know what has been added or changed in each release and in what file.

something like:


added: define('THIS_LANG_DEFINE', 'here's an added lang define');
added: define('THIS_LANG_DEFINE2', 'here's an added lang define');


define('THIS_LANG_DEFINE6000', 'here's an added lang define');


define('THIS_LANG_DEFINE600', 'here's an added lang define for 600');


define('THIS_LANG_DEFINE1234', 'here's an added lang define');


and so on.

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