I am reading the instructions here:
http://wiki.impresscms.org/index.php?title=MultilanguageIn Preferences > Multilanguage settings
It says I should enter the required Multilanguage pair names:
examples are:
en = English
fr = French
es = Spanish
de = German
... etc
I only see en,fr. Do I need to add something here? If so what?
I couldn't find a Chinese language pack in the addons repository, but i found one linked on this forum. Here is where I downloaded the Chinese language pack I am using:
http://impresscms.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/impresscms/languages/schinese/branches/impresscms_1.1/?sortby=dateIs this the same one you're using? Because there seems to be something wrong.
If it is this complicated to get multilanguages working, the language packs really should include a readme file.
I really can follow directions. Honest I can..
This Post was from: https://www.impresscms.org/iforum/viewtopic.php?topic_id=3150&post_id=29231