Best is to turn off notifications with imLinks.
Instead it's better to use Gijoe's
Waiting module. The plugin comes with imLinks.
I am using the following settings with Protector 3.40:
Temporary disabled: No
Logging level: full
BannedIP suspension time: 259200
Protected IP bits for the session: 24
Groups disallowed IP moving in a session: Webmasters
Sanitizing null-bytes: Yes
Exit if bad files are uploaded: Yes
Action if a contamination is found: Blank screen
Action if an isolated comment-in is found: Sanitizing
Action if a UNION is found: Sanitizing
Force intval to variables like id: Yes
Protection from Directroy Traversals: Yes
Anti Brute Force: 10
Bandwidth limitation: 0
Watch time for high loadings (sec): 60
Bad counts for F5 Attack: 10
Action against F5 Attack: Blank screen
Groups never registered as Bad IP: Webmasters
Disable dangerous features in XOOPS: None
Enable DB Layer trapping anti-SQL-Injection: Yes
Never checking _SERVER for anti-SQL-Injection: No
enable anti-XSS (BigUmbrella): Yes
anti-SPAM: URLs for normal users: 0
anti-SPAM: URLs for guests: 0
Further I've the following filters enabled:
For the filter
postcommon_post_deny_by_httpbl.php you need to register with
Project Honeypot.
See also
here on Gijoe's website.
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