Yeah, good hack of newbb 1.01, but XHNewBB is better in that way :) CBB 1.14 is a successor of NewBB 2
I'll stick with CBB, till something better comes out, like Built in bridge for PHPBB3 (SMF Bridge sux, SMF license is awful) or other good GPL forums.
the idea of the post was about messes and the "look & feel" of addons.impress.
(in addition to my first post here)
Red Mexico Downloads 1.7 have few better options compared to Catzwolf WF-Downloads.
Professional look, u have the designers, since u make such cute work with WF-Downloads. Mirrors, wf-downloads have too, but no count on them. Detailed description with wysiwyg editor, several shots per file, fields for the license, homepage, demo and more, the only thing that force me to pick wf-downloads instead of RMDP 1.7 was the images, i dont have designer, and all my downloads are without "icons". It's a bit bugy in some points, which can be fixed in no time, from someone beginner in php development, while Catz Wf-Downloads needs a lot of work. Probably I should start new thread for WF-Downloads...
But Addons have to be sorted in a lot of categories, like Extensons.joomla.org. Thousand categories and sub-categories to make visitor choices easy, the only bad pick there is the linking ...oh and the awful search compared to oops :). There is a example, with tons of categories, well sorted modules repository in OOPS
http://xoops.cms-bg.org/modules/wfdownloads/viewcat.php?cid=5but another bug (missing feature) prevents the visitors from easily browsing and locating what's missing - DHTML Category Block module, to list all categories in Explorer way...
In case if addons is "redesigned" with some more categories, but linking remains, if the visitor:
*** have troubles with his ISP DNS service, and the linked site cant be resolved at the moment, he/she will not get the module
*** have over 30-40 hops to reach it, and no matter how much traffic he/she got, to download with xxx bytes per second from sites like xoops.org.cn
*** have troubles with his/her eyes, and got troubles reading the content, (what was the words, eyes inspired or something), current module cant give such people access
*** some authors (dont know such in OOPS), requires permissions from them even to mention their names on your (ours) site, but for sure someday will come such black sheep :)
*** some modules are pure blocks and not operate as modules, Onokazu bug, and such modules have to be listed in blocks section, or to be mapped with different flag to "show" them as different things then modules.
.... during the time of coming in and going in to/from oops, runcms, exoops, bcoos, exoopport, exv2, zarilia, code-plus and impress of course, one section remains empty in all ways, for downloads, pre-created templates
http://addons.impresscms.org/modules/wfdownloads/viewcat.php?cid=30or documenting this feature of OOPS, no one talking about it, and it's looks very useful since u made from this "ugly" module WF-Downloads such beauty thingy - Addons
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