Re: News: News By Author

Posted by skenow on 1300656947
I may have spotted the trouble - in kernel/user.php. try adding the $id parameter to the __construct() methods, so you get this

class XoopsUser extends icms_member_user_Object { private $_deprecated; public function __construct(&$id) { parent::__construct($id); $this->_deprecated = icms_core_Debug::setDeprecated('icms_member_user_Object', sprintf(_CORE_REMOVE_IN_VERSION, '1.4')); } } class XoopsGuestUser extends XoopsUser { private $_deprecated; public function __construct(&$id) { parent::__construct($id); $this->_deprecated = icms_core_Debug::setDeprecated('icms_member_user_Object', sprintf(_CORE_REMOVE_IN_VERSION, '1.4')); } }

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