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Re: Rating articles on community site

by skenow on 2008/3/18 15:42:02

From a social aspect, having a rating/voting feature is much like what Digg would offer, as long as the articles were being displayed based on votes and not dates. For some sites, this will be a high priority feature, for others - maybe not.

A quick look through the admin area reveals a few language constants that haven't been added - _MI_SSECTION_DATE_TO_DATE is one (see the blocks admin area)

I just looked at the articles with the new rating feature - the template needs work! And, if it could be a bit more '2 point Oh' - click once to rate, or 'thumbs up/thumbs down' it would have more of a 'wow' factor.
Re: Rating articles on community site

by davidl2 on 2008/3/18 11:56:31

I guess it depends on the type of article.

Good addition to the module however Marcan. This is a SmartObject feature isn't it?
Re: Rating articles on community site

by kurak_bu on 2008/3/18 11:51:24

I noticed that in today's morning and I was thinking - vote or not, finally I didnt. I couldn't have found any reason to vote.
Re: Rating articles on community site

by davidl2 on 2008/3/18 10:56:30

Is this version ready for release?
Re: Rating articles on community site

by davidl2 on 2008/3/18 10:53:51

Why not see how it goes - and make decision based on a test period?