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Re: Re-thinking

by GibaPhp on 2008/3/28 15:06:13

ok, ok, i agree with SmartBlog too, but site for-me, i think in and rss here in home page.

Comments in planet is possible and all look here too.

My 1 cent with bad english
Re: Re-thinking

by Will on 2008/3/28 10:09:49

+1 and away for the weekend. So that's my vote for any poll that is started.
Re: Re-thinking

by davidl2 on 2008/3/28 9:50:33

Smartblog + 1 here
Re: Re-thinking

by marcan on 2008/3/28 9:24:20

It will be my pleasure to clone SmartSection to become SartBlog and add the features we need to keep us bloging. Later it can then be improved to become a truly awesome blogging module.

My 2 cents:

- Using another standalone script is not an option. There is no point of changing the current Wordpress for another standalone script. Wordpress does the job, this is not the point.

- Using a standalone script that has been "ported" into a module is not an option either. Maintenance will become an issue, it will not be well integrated in the ImpressCMS system, etc... Better stick with what we have right now.

- The only option to me is to use a native XOOPS/ImpressCMS module to acheive what we want. Ad it doe snot need, for now, to be the ultimate blogging tool. Everyone who currently have a blog on is not a newbie of the web and can easily manage to post an article without all the bells, whistles and easyness of Wordpress.

What is it that we want to achieve here ? Allowing developers/designers/contributers to post articles about what they do/feel/need/think. And it needs to be done inside

That's it. So my opinion: SmartBlog.

Can someone start a poll on this please so we can decide ? in 24h, we need to make a decision so we can start implementing it.
Re: Re-thinking

by seth_sd on 2008/3/27 9:53:07


I agree David. Our goal at first should not be to out due the other guys, but to provide a native module for bloggers using impress.

Absolutely agree.