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Re: Recent site availability issues

by fiammybe on 2011/10/25 13:50:10

I did send a tweet, but now I realize it was from my own twitter account
I sent it to @impresscms though, so I thought most of you would have gotten it anyway.

That's something to improve next time. But the again, let's hope it won't be necessary in the near future
Re: Recent site availability issues

by phoenyx on 2011/10/25 8:54:45

If it helps: The website wasn't available for me yesterday.
Re: Recent site availability issues

by McDonald on 2011/10/25 2:30:03

Thought yesterday evening the problem was on my site, but after modifying the settings of 3 pc's and my router the conclusion was that the problem was not on my site.

Maybe it's an option to sent a tweet to notify people if problems occur next time.
Recent site availability issues

by fiammybe on 2011/10/25 1:50:37

Hello everyone,

we have experienced some DNS issues since the move to a new server, resulting in the sites not being accessible on several locations worldwide.

If you experience problems with the site, please inform us via twitter on @impresscms (faster) or mail (slower) via
