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Re: ImpressCMS site improvements for mobile

by fiammybe on 2020/5/14 14:56:07

I overwrote the jQuery with the old version, that fixed it.

Re: ImpressCMS site improvements for mobile

by skenow on 2020/5/2 15:56:38

According to the latest package.json for Bootstrap 4.4.1, the jQuery version needs to be at least 1.9.1 and less than 3

Re: ImpressCMS site improvements for mobile

by skenow on 2020/5/2 15:49:59

I think we introduced a new bug by updating to ImpressCMS 1.4 - the newer version of jQuery is not compatible with the version of Bootstrap used in the theme. The result is the navigation menu does not work for mobile devices, or even when you desktop browser emulates a mobile device.

Re: ImpressCMS site improvements for mobile

by fiammybe on 2020/2/22 13:25:37

Looks like it is fixed now. And my temporary issue with the forum that stopped me from posting has gone as well. 

Re: ImpressCMS site improvements for mobile

by skenow on 2020/2/19 18:00:20

Now we may have something - each forum has its own setting for allowing HTML. This one didn't allow, until now.

Let's see what happens.