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Re: HTML issues in forum

by fiammybe on 2020/2/23 13:17:32

Not that I was aware of. We upgraded to 1.4 afrond the time that the issues started appearing. The standard should now be ckeditor, no DHTML is in use atm. 

Re: HTML issues in forum

by skenow on 2020/2/23 11:14:19

Was there a change in groups and using the Rich text editors in the forum? If the DHTML editor was the standard, then the HTML settings would not have mattered.

Re: HTML issues in forum

by fiammybe on 2020/2/22 13:22:49

Thank you for this fix, I didn't know of this option having changed though. Perhaps a wrong edition somewhere. 

HTML issues in forum

by skenow on 2020/2/19 18:08:58

We recently discovered some forum posts were displaying fine, while others were displaying the HTML tags instead of using them as markup. On further investigation, I found the individual forums were not all configured identically and some had HTML disallowed, even though the default editor is a rich-text editor.

I did update most of the top-level forums. If you find a forum that hasn't been updated and your post is not rendered properly, please let us know. Some of the old forums aren't active much, and some are not relevant because of our site consolidation (the addons site forum and the wiki forum, for example)