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Re: Chromium login issue fixed

by fiammybe on 2020/7/11 11:43:17

Given the change, I don't think that's likely. We adapted the login page template to give another variable as redirect address, nothing more.

Re: Chromium login issue fixed

by skenow on 2020/7/11 9:54:11

Could it have caused passwords to be expired? I had to reset mine to get logged in.

Re: Chromium login issue fixed

by fiammybe on 2020/7/4 5:37:50

I spoke too soon earlier, because the fix I proposed did not work in every case (thanks @Mekdrop for investigating). The new fix is ok and is in the newly-released ImpressCMS 1.4.1 beta. Give it a spint and let me know if it works as expected!

Chromium login issue fixed

by fiammybe on 2020/6/22 5:00:04

Hi, when you logged into the sites using a chromium-based browser (Chrome, new Edge, Brave, Opera, ...) , the redirection to a logged-in page wasn't working as it should have, and you got presented a nice, clean, but utterly white page

I fixed issue #100 a few minutes ago, and backported the fix directly on this site to improve your login experience.