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Re: 'Prefooter' -in icmsbootstrap

by Anonymous on 15/4/2015 21:55:43

I seem to recall a module that allowed you to create events with a capacity for attendance and then show the remaining spots left. Does anyone know what module this would be? I also need to have/show a cost for the event. Connection to a payment gateway is a plus.
Re: 'Prefooter' -in icmsbootstrap

by fiammybe on 30/3/2015 2:35:21

The currently official download for icmsBootstrap 3.0.3 is here.
Re: 'Prefooter' -in icmsbootstrap

by debianus on 27/3/2015 3:03:01

Hi PortDude
What icmsbootsrap release are you using?
My theme is oudated and there is a more fresh release by Rene.
The readme.txt file has some usefult tips about available custom bocks positions in the theme.
Re: 'Prefooter' -in icmsbootstrap

by PortDude on 23/3/2015 10:14:34

Great. Actually that's another thing I really like about ICMS- The custom block building. And I was happy to see there was a place for this 'prefooter' in the theme.html source

Re: 'Prefooter' -in icmsbootstrap

by fiammybe on 23/3/2015 7:53:09

Hi PortDude, good to see you're making a new site with our beloved CMS

You should create the block position manually, taking care to use the correct naming so the theme and the system know that they are talking about the same thing.

Currently, there is no installation procedure for themes, so the themes cannot create the elements (blocks, block positions, ...) they need for their specific use. It's something that will come in the future, though I can't point a release on that yet.