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Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous

by fiammybe on 23/4/2019 7:13:15

<p>Thank you for these translations, I think those will be used in a translation banner I'll setup soon. I'd like to see if it's feasible to make it detect the location and the language of the browser, and show the relevant banner text</p>
Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous

by fiammybe on 23/4/2019 6:00:59

<p>that's currently a work in progress, which I should document a bit better. For the wrong reasons, I chose country-specific languages in Transifex to translate into, so the base language is UK English (en-GB) instead of plain english (en). I've created the 'plain' languages, but Transifex doesn't just let you change a language, you have to export everything and import it into the new language. That's the reason why there are multiple double languages, where one is at 0%, and the other more filled up than that.</p>

<p>I've created the targets already, but haven't started the transfer progress, that's something I plan this week normally, if there are no technical hurdles that pop up.</p>
Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous

by skenow on 22/4/2019 19:05:46

<p>Just curious as to how Transifex lists languages - when I view all the languages, English shows down at the bottom of the list, with 0% translated. There is French (France) and French, Spanish (Spain) and Spain, Dutch (Netherlands) and Dutch, Italian (Italy) and Italy, German (Germany) and German. Most of the languages listed without countries are at 0% translated, while those with countries show progress.</p> <p>Is it how we're set up, or something Transifex has done or changed? Might we benefit from removing some or all of those 'duplicates'</p>
Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous

by skenow on 22/4/2019 18:54:50

<p>Here's my contribution - "Translate ImpressCMS" in multiple languages, from Google Translater</p> <p><strong>Italian</strong>: <em>Traduci ImpressCMS</em><br /> <strong>Spanish</strong>: <em>Traducir ImpressCMS</em><br /> <strong>Dutch</strong>: <em>Vertaal ImpressCMS</em><br /> <strong>German</strong>: <em>Übersetzen Sie ImpressCMS</em><br /> <strong>Korean</strong>: <em>ImpressCMS 번역</em><br /> <strong>Japanese</strong>: <em>ImpressCMSを翻訳する</em><br /> <strong>Norwegian</strong>: <em>Oversett ImpressCMS</em><br /> <strong>Polish</strong>: <em>Przetłumacz ImpressCMS</em><br /> <strong>Persian</strong>: <em>ترجمه ImpressCMS</em><br /> <strong>Lithuanian</strong>: <em>Versti ImpressCMS</em><br /> <strong>Portuguese</strong>: <em>Traduzir ImpressCMS</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous

by fiammybe on 22/4/2019 15:43:30

<p>Small update : the German translation for ImpressCMS 1.3 is now complete on Transifex. I'll upload the language pack in the next few days.</p>

<p>Anyone who can help getting the last Spanish and Italian texts up and running would be a great help.</p>