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Ideas for Swag requested

by fiammybe on 18/1/2021 2:56:57

We have a program running on HackerOne, and one of the recurring questions is if the hackers there can be compensated for their efforts. As an open source project without a company financially backing us, I don't think offering payment is an option. I was thinking more about t-shirts or other funny/nice gadgets with ImpressCMS branding.

The hackers at hackerone have done a great job, and certainly in the beginning stage, I would like to thank them all with a little something.

The problem I have encountered is that the costs could become astronomically high if we would handle the sending around the world by ourselves. I made a quick check : sending a t-shirt (worth 8-10€) to India for example, would cost me 56€.

Talking with @Mekdrop we discussed drop-shipping services, because those services would take the sending of the items on their account (which would be less of a headache to handle for us as well). However, not all of those services allow for your own things to be printed or created.

I would like to hear experience with drop-shipping services, and also other options we migh not have thought about.