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Re: Alternatives to XOOPS

by davidl2 on 8/2/2008 6:20:39

Yes - it's certainly down in the [[Roadmap]] for 1.1 - so I hope we'll have this in this release... if not - in the following release.
Re: Alternatives to XOOPS

by seth_sd on 8/2/2008 6:18:55


Anyway - at least this has given me a reminder for the OpenID code

Yes, that would be awesome. I see in the roadmap it shows that it would have been in the current release? Apparently it's not in there but have you heard any status?

Re: Alternatives to XOOPS

by davidl2 on 8/2/2008 6:15:25

Anyway - at least this has given me a reminder for the OpenID code
Re: Alternatives to XOOPS

by seth_sd on 8/2/2008 6:13:43


"All Alternatives to using XOOPS are using XOOPS."

All your base are belong to us.
Re: Alternatives to XOOPS

by Zaphod on 8/2/2008 6:01:41


When I look at that wiki my eyes glaze over and I just move on....I don't even know what it is for anymore.

Same here. It is a huge mess. Is there a central category listing anywhere? Very difficult to find anything.


The purpose of the mediawiki on the whoops site is to keep BS busy creating a page for everyone that links to their profile page. There isn't any actual informative content within those pages.

That drives me crazy. I looked at a few profile links but most just pointed to content on Xoops End User. I think someone likes to use it to promote their own site. And a lot of the non-profile pages are posted completely empty!