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Re: We need a test site

by fiammybe on 2009/10/7 0:14:37

Cool. This might give potential users a better idea of the capabilities. We might also plug the CMS Awards '09 on that site
Re: We need a test site

by Northern on 2009/10/6 20:12:42

for the short part of what the Indistructable test site was.

there was a Cron job that reset the site with a known good SQL file.
linked to that Cron job was a Java script that counted the time down till the refresh.
a few pages in the X files where modified so that in the admins/config page the users could not completely turn off the site.

a list of good modules and good themes where installed, so that these users could install and remove them.

I had three test sites running.
X, XC, and XCL

Ill start tinkering on my server with ICMS and the demo setup, when i get it up and working with just a few themes and modules, ill open it up for testing. when its given the thumbs up you're more then welcome to upload it to ICMS to be open for public use.
Re: We need a test site

by UnderDog on 2009/10/6 8:23:47

Let's set it up.
If you need something with a new host, let's talk to Marc-André about it.
Re: We need a test site

by thomas on 2009/10/6 3:44:38


UnderDog wrote:

Ive got the old indestructible Xsite vers.2.0.16

Can you explain what you mean with indesctructible Xsite
Is it just X or a modified version of X?

Sorry if it seems like a lame question, not completely awake yet.

Marc hosted test sites for X that automatically reinstalled/refreshed every hour. That way new users could get a peak at the admin and everything else before they decided to jump in with both feet.

Very cool and useful feature that could be used here at impress.
Re: We need a test site

by UnderDog on 2009/10/5 23:12:01


Ive got the old indestructible Xsite vers.2.0.16

Can you explain what you mean with indesctructible Xsite
Is it just X or a modified version of X?

Sorry if it seems like a lame question, not completely awake yet.