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Re: Packt Publishing 2009 Open Source CMS Awards

by Madfish on 15/8/2009 8:28:18

Bump - you've all voted now, right?

Come on, spare us 30 seconds of your time. Go and vote :)
Re: Packt Publishing 2009 Open Source CMS Awards

by justanumber on 14/8/2009 2:15:55


Madfish wrote:
In case you missed the announcement, here are some convenient pre-filled links you can use to vote. Only takes 10 seconds, please nominate ImpressCMS now!!

* Overall Open Source CMS Award

* Best Open Source PHP CMS

* Most promising CMS

Last year we got the 'most promising' award. This year it would be nice to get 'the best' !!

Click, click, click!
Re: Packt Publishing 2009 Open Source CMS Awards

by Madfish on 13/8/2009 21:29:07

In case you missed the announcement, here are some convenient pre-filled links you can use to vote. Only takes 10 seconds, please nominate ImpressCMS now!!

* Overall Open Source CMS Award

* Best Open Source PHP CMS

* Most promising CMS

Last year we got the 'most promising' award. This year it would be nice to get 'the best' !!
Re: Packt Publishing 2009 Open Source CMS Awards

by thomas on 13/8/2009 15:56:28

I added my three votes. I didn't do the Nominate for CMS MVP.

We might do our own first. Then everyone could add it to packt.

Re: Packt Publishing 2009 Open Source CMS Awards

by Will on 13/8/2009 8:42:29

@justanumber - the most promising is for projects that had their first release within two years of nomination open.

So we fall well within those guidelines.