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Re: Custom @ImpressCMS Twitter Design Needed

by McDonald on 2010/5/23 14:48:11

Looks good to me!
Re: Custom @ImpressCMS Twitter Design Needed

by david on 2010/5/23 13:16:25

Number 9 is definately my favourite so far I think! :thumbup:
Re: Custom @ImpressCMS Twitter Design Needed

by McDonald on 2010/5/23 13:07:28

What's the status of which Twitter background to use for icms?

All comments on the posted examples are welcome!
Re: Custom @ImpressCMS Twitter Design Needed

by McDonald on 2010/5/19 0:41:55

In the next example I've scaled the logos 75% and moved the orange line up.
Also the gradient has been modified.



And here with vertically the slogan only:

Re: Custom @ImpressCMS Twitter Design Needed

by skenow on 2010/5/18 19:20:11

Thanks for all the work to update the background!

In the latest screenshot, the tops of the letters in ImpressCMS and Twitter all line up. If you could nudge it up until the bottoms of the letters all fall on a line, it would be better. Or, scale ImpressCMS so the tops and the bottoms both line up and it would be fantastic! I would also nudge up the line that goes underneath so it lines up with the top of the content area (see the top right corner, just above the user info area.)

Can we make more use of the right vertical by not repeating ImpressCMS? If you took out the wordmark, you could move the slogan up. I can only see as far as the 'c' in ImpressCMS on my screens (I work mostly on laptops).

We could also work in additional tags, like 'community management system', 'open source', 'open...'

I like the initiative!