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Re: Is the 'keywords' metatag so long dead that we can just ignore it?

by McDonald on 24/2/2012 9:21:53

The (meta) keywords are used or can be used in PDF documents as created by the TCPDF library.

Unfortunately TCPDF outputs the keywords twice...
Re: Is the 'keywords' metatag so long dead that we can just ignore it?

by McDonald on 15/11/2011 4:37:09

Google Webmaster Central Blog:
Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking
Re: Is the 'keywords' metatag so long dead that we can just ignore it?

by skenow on 4/8/2011 20:18:01

I'd leave in the option - I prefer to specify the keywords rather than accept what gets auto-generated. It may not be a positive SEO factor, but it's definitely not a negative factor, if done well.
Re: Is the 'keywords' metatag so long dead that we can just ignore it?

by fiammybe on 4/8/2011 2:21:21

I don't fill the keywords box most of the time. I think tags have taken that role now.

The summary is still used by sites like digg and facebook (and google+ maybe) to put next to a posted link.
Re: Is the 'keywords' metatag so long dead that we can just ignore it?

by McDonald on 4/8/2011 1:43:07

I don't fill in the keyword box with articles (Impression) or links (imLinks) anymore. Guess it's better to use one good relevant set of keywords throughout the whole website.