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Re: Almost converted

by Northern on 2009/10/26 10:59:39

Most of what you see is a out sourced file, as in i have a blank xoops page that if calling a file,
<?php if (file_exists("mainfile.php")) { include("mainfile.php"); } elseif(file_exists("../mainfile.php")) { include("../mainfile.php"); } else { include("../../mainfile.php"); } include(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/header.php"); $xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_showrblock', 0); // 1 display right blocks $xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_showlblock', 0); // 1 display right blocks include_once "../old/files/index.php"; include(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/footer.php"); ?>

Rather basic.
The plus to this is its SEO.

but the down side, its not in the sitemap, or automaticly in the menu. these have to be added in, also, none of the mods can fix any error if they need to, sense its all done on the back end.
This will have to do till i finish a set of modules.
Then i will have not so friendly url's, but they can be fixed.

Its just a matter of time.
Ive just about got the engines module done, once its finished and tested, ill clone it for a few others like Transmissions, Manufactures, Service Notes, Check Engine, ect.
Re: Almost converted

by UnderDog on 2009/10/25 22:28:52

Hi Marc,
Tell us what you haven't converted yet
Almost converted

by Northern on 2009/10/25 16:34:09

I've got a lot of the site converted, tho Im still looking for modules to include into the site to help move the content into.

The move from SMF into the Newbbex was the challenge, ended up just starting over with it.

So if your big on cars and trucks, or with to know more about them.
sign up.

if your not, i can always use pointers in what i can could or should do.,


Any who... heres the site url to Greased Knuckles
