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Re: 2.0 and plugins

by skenow on 7/5/2013 6:49:58

There is an error in mentions, but I'll fix today. Hashtags works, without any changes. Just had to enable them both in the control panel

Ticket 709
Re: 2.0 and plugins

by debianus on 7/5/2013 5:00:31

Please, Could you check if mentions and hashtag are working in alpha2? I have no success with them.
Re: 2.0 and plugins

by skenow on 6/5/2013 16:41:41

They still work, if you manually add them to your text. The buttons were only added to the DHTML editor. They should really move outside the editor, anyway.
2.0 and plugins

by debianus on 6/5/2013 9:51:03

Because DHTML editor is out (althought it is a hidden folder), what about plugins ( Mentions, hastags, source code, wiki, etc.)
They do not work in TinyMCE and the code buttons is for DHTML