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Re: Please test ImpressCMS 1.3.5 RC2 packages

by skenow on 5/9/2013 18:39:59


QM-B wrote:
Isn't this just a template change? currently it checks at the beginning for search results:

<{if $basic_search == false && $search_results }>

so we could simply add an else or elseif.. or removing the $search_results, if the searched module should be displayed without results

I did find the fix for the various settings of 'show modules with no matches' and displaying - changed the nested if statements to a single 1 to get the proper hierarchy.

@qm-b: that could be a possibility for the time when there no modules return any results. $basic_search tells the page there was not a query - just go to advanced search form. $search_results is an array of results from all the modules queried, so it will only be false/empty when there are no results, at all.

At the end of the template, between the last


add another test for $search_results being empty, then display a language constant, like this, and style appropriately (completely untested, at the moment) -

<{if count($search_results) = 0 }>

Re: Please test ImpressCMS 1.3.5 RC2 packages

by Madfish on 4/9/2013 21:21:15

The unwanted insertion of line breaks into legacy content is still an issue, have posted a ticket (see this post for explanation).
Re: Please test ImpressCMS 1.3.5 RC2 packages

by QM-B on 4/9/2013 3:12:40

Isn't this just a template change? currently it checks at the beginning for search results:
<{if $basic_search == false && $search_results }>

so we could simply add an else or elseif.. or removing the $search_results, if the searched module should be displayed without results
Re: Please test ImpressCMS 1.3.5 RC2 packages

by skenow on 3/9/2013 13:32:24

In previous versions, there was no message if no search results were found in any module - just the search form. I agree it isn't the best user experience and should be addressed, but that wasn't the purpose of the 1.3.5 release.

Now, I do see an error in the changes made to the search in regards to modules with no results - the logic is backwards in the current packages. This needs to be fixed before we release - 1 simple ! will take care of this.

In testing to confirm this, I have discovered that if no module has any results, the page is just as Rene describes it above - no message, no modules shown with 0 results - just the form. Basically, the option to display modules with no search results only works if at least 1 module has a result. I haven't found the fix for this, yet.
Re: Please test ImpressCMS 1.3.5 RC2 packages

by fiammybe on 3/9/2013 1:41:15

Hi René,

is that different in 1.3.4?