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Re: Any 1.3.11 beta2 feedback?

by fiammybe on 2018/7/20 1:48:31

Thanks for the update! The module version that needs to be updates is a small improvement It shows if a module is kept up-to-date or not  

Re: Any 1.3.11 beta2 feedback?

by skenow on 2018/7/11 20:59:32

<p>I've been testing it locally, mostly in relation to a new release of SimplyWiki. So, the results are a bit fuzzy - is it a core issue, or is it a module issue? Or, is it an environment issue (I have a couple of different situations for this)</p> <p>One of the main things I see is the difference in handling of the module versions. It doesn't hamper the performance at all, but those modules that don't have their versions formatted as a string instead of an integer don't look quite right in the module administration page.</p> <p>I'll poke around some the modules and see how they work with the latest beta candidate.</p>
Any 1.3.11 beta2 feedback?

by fiammybe on 2018/7/5 15:24:02

Hi, I wonder if any of you have comments on the release of 1.3.11 beta2 ( I have done some tests, but I reckon it will be more representative if I ask for your test results as well before I release the final version.