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Re: Things I'd like to remove from the trunk

by skenow on 5/12/2007 19:28:52

Can do!
Re: Things I'd like to remove from the trunk

by davidl2 on 5/12/2007 19:25:36

Can you remove the extras folder that had GiJoes code in as well?

Unless we want to put the old xoops one in for any reason?
Re: Things I'd like to remove from the trunk

by skenow on 5/12/2007 19:22:51

I'm on it!
Re: Things I'd like to remove from the trunk

by marcan on 5/12/2007 19:21:10


/backend.php => old rss feed link, requiring Herve's news module

/extras/theme_x2t => let's dump all the old themes

Oh god please do !!!! Why the hell are theses files still here !

Can you proceed to this steve ?
Re: Things I'd like to remove from the trunk

by davidl2 on 5/12/2007 16:31:40


And we could do with some new themes including at least one that uses the multi-block definations....

Now theres a challenge

Only problem - we'd have to include some simple instructions to tell people how to set them up.