Re: some miss? |
by fiammybe on 3/6/2019 14:41:42 No problem. I think I'll have to update the documentation on how to create a ticket on github, that will be a good opportunity. |
Re: some miss? |
by Tac Hisaoka on 2/6/2019 0:02:59 Sorry, I don't understand how to use github
Re: some miss? |
by fiammybe on 24/5/2019 16:18:03 Hi, I made 2 pull requests for these changes : Thank you for the info! Do not hesitate to make a github account and propose changes like this yourself diretly via Pull Request. |
Re: some miss? |
by fiammybe on 17/5/2019 13:10:31 Hello, those are locations that cannot be visited directly. Can you explain what page you visited and what action you made when you received the error? Thank you for the feedback! Kind regards, David |
some miss? |
by Tac Hisaoka on 16/5/2019 19:41:07 libraries/icms/object.php in switch forexample if ($v['required'] && $cleanv != '0' && $cleanv == '') { libraries/icms/textsanitiaer.php line 244 if($html=0) --> if($html==0) ??? libraries/icms/form/element.php line 345 return "if (myform.{$eltname}.value == \"\") { window.alert(\"{$eltmsg}\"); myform.{$eltname}.focus(); return false; }"; if($eltname) ??? plugins/preloads/autologin.php line 52 $criteria = new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('uname', $uname4sql)); --> $criteria = new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('login_name', $uname4sql)); ??? Thanks |