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Re: "New" Feature: GiJoes Easy Multi-language

by marcan on 8/12/2007 16:16:23

Yes, the upgrade script need to be done and the MySQL edited. I'm on it
Re: "New" Feature: GiJoes Easy Multi-language

by davidl2 on 8/12/2007 15:29:23

Marcan - I can't seem to get this to work?
Re: "New" Feature: GiJoes Easy Multi-language

by marcan on 8/12/2007 4:01:21


Was the language fix included?

Yes, from what I could see, this was including by GIJOE in version 1.25 and I used 1.26. So we are good.


Any new language differences?

yes. New constants in modules/system/language/english/admin/preferences.php

How should we handle language changes ? How could we make it easy for translators ?
Re: "New" Feature: GiJoes Easy Multi-language

by davidl2 on 8/12/2007 3:51:26

Thanks for adding the flag

Was the language fix included?
Re: "New" Feature: GiJoes Easy Multi-language

by davidl2 on 8/12/2007 2:19:32

Kurak (Docs team) has asked for the Polish flag to be included - and asked if this fix was included.

Also: I've attempted to update from the latest release, on my test site - but updating the system module attempts to update another module already listed.