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Re: Fix required in css100_morpho theme

by marcan on 8/12/2007 18:00:35

Ok the theme as been fixed. Thanks James.
Re: Fix required in css100_morpho theme

by skenow on 8/12/2007 17:59:51

There is a line in theme.html that refers to backend.php - this has been removed from the trunk because it requires Herve's news module to work.
Re: Fix required in css100_morpho theme

by JMorris on 8/12/2007 9:27:56

Line 24 of style.css: Comment out or remove the absolute positioning. The float: left; takes care of the positioning.

#xo-canvas-leftcolumn {float:left; /*position: absolute; left: 0; top: 100px;*/ width: 175px; }

Tested in IE6/IE7/FF2.

I hope we can get away from that overly complex theme code. Themes don't need that level of complexity.
Re: Fix required in css100_morpho theme

by marcan on 8/12/2007 9:21:33

svn co

Re: Fix required in css100_morpho theme

by davidl2 on 8/12/2007 8:38:22
