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Re: Trunk no more working

by Dave_L on 2007/12/9 4:30:30

I don't know much about TortoiseSVN. I tried using it briefly, then decided that I preferred using SVN from the command line. One advantage of the latter is that there's comprehensive documentation (the SVN book).

But TortoiseSVN is widely used, so it probably has equivalent functionality and documentation.
Re: Trunk no more working

by marcan on 2007/12/8 20:54:07

No, using TortoiseSVN. Did I missed something ?
Re: Trunk no more working

by Dave_L on 2007/12/8 18:01:05

Are you using SVN from the command line? When it merges changes to a file, I thought it's supposed to warn you, and give you a chance to see the specific changes.
Re: Trunk no more working

by marcan on 2007/12/8 17:57:51

And I understand now. Vaughan added the "exit;" in the original mainfile.php :
// XOOPS is not installed yet. if(! defined('XOOPS_INSTALL')){ header('Location: install/index.php'); exit(); }

For some reason, when I SVN update, the "exit;" was added in my mainfile :

if (!isset($xoopsOption['nocommon']) && XOOPS_ROOT_PATH != '') { include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/common.php"; } exit(); } ?>

so stopping the process...

Godamn mainfile !

Re: Trunk no more working

by marcan on 2007/12/8 17:55:30

Ok found it.

mainfile.php, line 104, there is this :

Was there a reason ?

Let me know !