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Re: Error while installing

by fiammybe on 14/11/2020 18:58:38

Great, thanks for confirming that the issue was fixed on your side as well. No problem with slow replies, normal life has its necessities too

I can not even spend a fraction of the time I would like to on ImpressCMS, I sympathize.

Re: Error while installing

by d3vpoo1 on 14/11/2020 16:36:55

I can login now and the error before is already fix. 

Re: Error while installing

by d3vpoo1 on 14/11/2020 16:19:36

Apologize for late reply, I will test this now and I will update you

Re: Error while installing

by fiammybe on 11/11/2020 14:37:58

Hi, I checked on multiple instances and the problem is now gone. The Pull Request is now integrated in the master branch. I plan on doing a new alpha by the end of the week.

Re: Error while installing

by fiammybe on 10/11/2020 1:10:38

There is a possible fix for this, could you test it out on your setup as well? I'll check it on mine before approving the Pull Request, but 2 checks is better than 1