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Re: Hosting providers

by fiammybe on 2021/8/9 2:34:04

That's interesting to know. Versio (a Dutch/Belgian provider) switched almost 2 years ago from Installatron to the softaculous integration inside DirectAdmin, which is the admin panel they use. The reason they gave was that installatron was too behind with updates. 

Both Installatron and Softaculous mention on their site that they have integration with Plesk. But perhaps there are other such scripts for plex that I don't know about. Probably even

Re: Hosting providers

by skenow on 2021/8/8 14:33:17

The different providers I have worked with recently are using Plesk for their site administration and they have a different platform for installs. They do provide upgrade packages for applications you have installed.

MediaTemple (Plesk)

Ionos (Plesk)

Hosting providers

by fiammybe on 2021/7/28 9:16:10

There are many hosting providers, so what hosting are you using and what is your experience running ImpressCMS on that host? Does the hosting option provide easy install options (like Softaculous)? I will update this list with the information that comes in.

Date Hosting Company Country

ImpressCMS Specific Setup?

Easy Install Type
28/07/2021 Belgium/Netherlands No Softaculous Shared Hosting
28/07/2021 Worldwide No Not anymore Shared Hosting
8/8/2021 mediatemple Worldwide No Plesk Shared Hosting
8/8/2021 Ionos Worldwide No Plesk Shared Hosting