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Re: Multix on ICMS

by nachenko on 2008/7/13 5:45:48

I should have explained this further.

You can define the base URL in Drupal, but it's not required.

If it's defined in the config file, ok. If not, it tries to get it by itself. This is my proposal. Faster XAMPP installation, faster moving to another URL, faster deployment, less config editions. You want to push performance? You edit mainfile.php once you know for sure the site is not being moved.

A good thing on this is that you can prepare an "universal distribution" for several customers at once, and you need only to theme them and change text.

Just a suggestion, anyway. This change's not gonna change anyone's life, but it will help on the way to single install - myultiple sites, and it's making deployment work a bit faster.
Re: Multix on ICMS

by nekro on 2008/7/12 19:02:43

I agree that is a good thing... the dinamic information... but is slower... you make the system do something else...
Re: Multix on ICMS

by nachenko on 2008/7/12 2:47:42

I think we can remove XOOPS_URL constant from mainfile as it is now.

Drupal doesn't have a predefined constant (well, it has, but it's optional). Instead of that, it learns where it is everytime a page is loaded.

In iCMS, there are only two possible paths for a URL: site root and modules folder, so it can't be a big deal to write an script that parses URL and gets domain name and iCMS base URL.

If mainfile-php learns domain name every time is run, and XOOPS_URL is defined this way, we are some steps nearer single install - multisite managing. Example: themes that use $xoops_url Smarty variable.

We can probably remove XOOPS_PHYSICAL_PATH too. I have never seen an autodetection failure on this.

This change has some side benefit: MOving a site from a XAMPP install to the server requires less steps.
Re: Multix on ICMS

by davidl2 on 2008/7/11 20:42:50

It's also worth looking at WordPressMU for ideas on this

Perhaps and are both ways to handle this - and as for existing modules. perhaps they could be split over domains?
Re: Multix on ICMS

by davidl2 on 2008/7/11 16:13:12

Another thing to consider....

We're using php5 now - which has (I believe) more flexible copying of files etc...

So - we could, theoretically, copy files from another directory to the site/modules/modulename folder as and when needed?