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Re: Pre-beta 1.2.1 testing

by phoenyx on 2010/2/4 9:04:57

Where's the real difference between an updated version and a next version? I can't see any .

For those who want to have the latest version, they are welcome to get it from our repositories. Since there has been quite a lot of cleanups and refactoring without the needed amount of testing I don't even want to release it as alpha yet . I'm not even done with my task. Unfortunately I don't have the time to go on doing it right now. Maybe this gets better in the next week(s).
Re: Pre-beta 1.2.1 testing

by fiammybe on 2010/2/3 13:33:37

Could you maybe release it as an 'updated' version ? It would be great to have the latest bug-fixes along with 1.2.1.
Re: Pre-beta 1.2.1 testing

by phoenyx on 2010/1/31 3:28:59

There were some updates to the profile module, yes. I just don't want to release it as a "next" version now (in other words: being forced again by the core).
Re: Pre-beta 1.2.1 testing

by skenow on 2010/1/30 17:19:42

Sorry - I found a bug in the system warning block, FaYsSaL, but it is easily fixed, and I already have. The check for the need to update the system module was not using the right comparison.
Re: Pre-beta 1.2.1 testing

by skenow on 2010/1/30 16:29:25

Additional request: are there any issues/updates in the content or profile modules to be merged?

Open tickets for content and profile modules