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Re: @Phoenyx - Autocomplete

by phoenyx on 6/12/2010 9:33:01

That's correct David. I've added some hints in the comment of Autocomplete.php which explains how everything works.
The module developer needs to do some specific tasks to use it for his modules. So far, it's not plugged into any of the modules or the core.
Re: @Phoenyx - Autocomplete

by fiammybe on 5/12/2010 12:48:40

I saw that in the zipfile

I wanted to know if this plugs in into some class, so that it comes automagically available to current modules, or do we have to use it explicitly?

After having a better look, there is some coding to be done specifically. So we'll need to educate module developers in using it.
Re: @Phoenyx - Autocomplete

by UnderDog on 5/12/2010 9:52:23

It's part of the IPF / ImBuilding for 1.3
Re: @Phoenyx - Autocomplete

by fiammybe on 5/12/2010 9:01:53

This looks cool. Any indication where this can be plugged in?

Re: @Phoenyx - Autocomplete

by phoenyx on 5/12/2010 2:20:25

Thank you for your work Will. It's working great.

On thing to notice is, that you have to deactivate the debugger for autocomp.php via icms::$logger->disableLogger();. Otherwise, Autocomplete.php cannot read the response properly.

For the configs: In case they are not set, I'm defaulting them to something so that we can always set them for the jQuery function. I will finalize everything and commit it.