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Re: Remove TinyMCE from the upcoming 1.5.0

by fiammybe on 18/12/2022 11:53:54

I can understand the confusion : As a matter of fact, everything works with PHP 7.4, but I can't get it to install on PHP8 because that version is more strict on declaration of constants, and because my PHP8.0 debug setup is totally broken

So I may have accidentally already pushed the 'final' label and got confronted with the PHP8.0 issues after that.

So, no problem to add it still to 1.5.0.

Re: Remove TinyMCE from the upcoming 1.5.0

by skenow on 18/12/2022 11:14:22

I see 1.5.0 is still described as Beta in include/version.php, though it's status is set to Final. Last release on GitHub was 1.5.0 RC.

I submitted a pull request for these tests and removal of the folders during an upgrade if appropriate. Warnings show if either editor is present and another warning if they are set as the default editor for any module or the core.

Re: Remove TinyMCE from the upcoming 1.5.0

by skenow on 18/12/2022 8:37:37

I'll pull this together for 1.5.1, or can we still add to 1.5.0?

Re: Remove TinyMCE from the upcoming 1.5.0

by fiammybe on 17/12/2022 22:52:52

Should we wedge this in and apply the same methodology for TinyMCE?

Absolutely agree.

Re: Remove TinyMCE from the upcoming 1.5.0

by skenow on 17/12/2022 15:35:00

I was looking at this and discovered the work we did on removing FCKeditor is not in the core. We had intended that to be in the 1.4.4 release.

It might have gotten missed - somehow I was working in your repository -

Should we wedge this in and apply the same methodology for TinyMCE?