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Re: Want to contribute to ImpressCms

by marcan on 2007/12/8 20:36:46

Hi saganxis and welcome here !

Have a read of these forums and start implicating yourself. And tel us know if you have any questions.

Nice to have you here !
Want to contribute to ImpressCms

by saganxis on 2007/12/7 10:43:10

Hi to all. Some time ago i had to do some work with Xoops, and i really like it. However i disagree in some points on how xoops is going on.I was looking what do you want for ImpressCms and i really like it, more than xoops. So talking with nekro, a friend of mine, I told him i wanted to participate in ImpressCms.

So if you are agree, i want to contribute in the way is needed. Making documentation, translating or writing code.

I liked A LOT!! the purpose for the new impress theme. It 's great.

Best regards,
