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Re: [HOWTO] Convert old ISO to UTF-8 for ICMS 1.1

by GibaPhp on 2008/5/3 3:55:58

off topic again, sorry

Hi, revision stranger 1999

I think the honour of the 2,000 should be of it stranger, great work, great participation.

Oops confirmated

Re: [HOWTO] Convert old ISO to UTF-8 for ICMS 1.1

by ep98 on 2008/5/2 4:12:23

I'm glad this small howto helps someone, going off for a few days, have to finish Sigsiu.NET translation, J1.5.3 synchronization, and few other plugins

.... Impress was a bit late, back in monday with new 500 gigs hard drive :)
Re: [HOWTO] Convert old ISO to UTF-8 for ICMS 1.1

by GibaPhp on 2008/5/2 3:42:57

Off-topic continue: sorry...


stranger wrote:

Ual, Revision 2000 is next.

yup ^^ still 29 commits left!
Mr theme, I think you need to make a new logo

Total Agree Mr Theme logo, new logo, new logo
Re: [HOWTO] Convert old ISO to UTF-8 for ICMS 1.1

by stranger on 2008/5/2 3:34:18


Ual, Revision 2000 is next.

yup ^^ still 29 commits left!
Mr theme, I think you need to make a new logo
Re: [HOWTO] Convert old ISO to UTF-8 for ICMS 1.1

by GibaPhp on 2008/5/1 6:11:34

Yes, work fine

Revision 1917

Automatic, using software charsc indication by ep98, thanks.

Moment Zen (Revision)

Ual, Revision 2000 is next.