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Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

by exp on 25/8/2008 4:09:10

Dear davidl2

I have filled out the formular. If i gonna create or edit lang file, would you have language files in iso or utf-8 or both?

When both, one folder called german, which label have the utf-8 folders, german_utf8 ...?

Greetings Andy
Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

by davidl2 on 23/8/2008 11:52:47

Many thanks exp!

If you visit this link here - you're welcomed to contribute directly on the svn
Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

by exp on 23/8/2008 9:13:29

Dear friends

My regards into the weekend!

I will (ask again) ask you to see what you mean. In will catch the german language file for some modules and edit and modify them. After i will give them back to ... (the community, YES i will) or where should i place the lang files?

Should i send them to the developer, to the german community and or ... i think you know what i mean.

I can place them in a download section on my webserver, but if anyone search for lang files, my site will be the latest place he search for files.

Next problem and question is, should i give the files a version number or not?

Any suggestion from you my friends are welcome, i will do it in the way the community means is the best way for ALL (german) users.

Following language files:
- news module (missing some defines and or not best translation)
- ams module (missing some defines)
- smartsection module (missing some defines)
- eXtCal (missing some defines)
- eXTGallery (missing some defines)
- piCal (missing some defines and or not best translation)
- contact (there is only one error)
- wfdownloads (missing some defines)

Greetings Andy
Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

by GibaPhp on 18/8/2008 17:08:53


debianus wrote:
Hi Exp, good suggestions.
At the moment, until the new translations module is finished, debug mode help about find language constant missed. The different version numbers are a little problem, right. I hope that Vaughan and David ideas can be the solution.
I love the MacDonalds's way for update the language files: the changes are vey easy for find them and the translation update can be ready in few minutes. All our translations are in SF and it is a very good idea: easy for update them, easy for search them

Igree 100% with Debianus
Even in translations of the core I would like to try and keep these updated language. The greatest difficulty for today this is only the module with visual editor. The rest is easy to keep updated.

Mesmo nas traduções do core eu gostaria de tentar manter os idiomas presentes atualizados. A maior dificuldade hoje para isto é apenas com o módulo editor visual. O restante é fácil manter atualizado.
Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

by debianus on 18/8/2008 15:56:53

Sure: I tried the Ohwada's module but I did not like me. Just can not wait for give a try...I think that it will be useful not only for translations: customized language files for each web, for example