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Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

by algalochkin on 2008/12/1 7:18:27

Sorry David,
rel#1.1.1rc1 is expected in the future...
Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

by algalochkin on 2008/12/1 6:37:01

Greetings David!

Marc-Andre has fulfilled tagging 1.1.1rc1 today. Russian localisation 1.1.1rc1 is ready. In the directory russian/packages. I wait for your involvement for copying of files on SF from zone SVN into zone Download.
Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

by algalochkin on 2008/11/29 22:58:07


Can anyone confirm which language files are still awaiting packing and uploading - or should we wait until the release of 1.1.x first?

malanciault tagging Impresscms 1.1 Final (rev. # 6301) on 01.11.2008

The Russian language package impresscms 1.1 final (without core) (rev. # 6662) it is made 11.11.2008 and it is allocated on SVN in the directory/languages/russian/packages/
The Full package of Core impresscms 1.1 final + Russian (incl. English) (rev. # 6664) it is made 11.11.2008 and it is allocated on SVN in the directory/languages/russian/packages/

malanciault tagging Impresscms 1.1.1 Beta1 (rev. # 6928) on 15.11.2008

The Russian language package impresscms 1.1.1 Beta1 (without core) (rev. # 6932) it is made 15.11.2008 and it is allocated on SVN in the directory/languages/russian/packages/
The Full package of Core impresscms 1.1.1 Beta1 + Russian (incl. English) (rev. # 6933) it is made 15.11.2008 and it is allocated on SVN in the directory/languages/russian/packages/

All language packs are created from tagging revisions
In the future if malanciault will make tagging that will be and language pack.
Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

by davidl2 on 2008/11/29 15:38:35

Can anyone confirm which language files are still awaiting packing and uploading - or should we wait until the release of 1.1.x first?
Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

by davidl2 on 2008/11/20 2:00:15

I would Giba - but I have only just recieved home internet access again... after moving home.

I hope to do this tonight or tomorrow at latest.