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Re: Downloading iforum

by stranger on 3/1/2009 6:46:14

the under development version (in SVN) is supposed to be working with ImpressCMS 1.2, that's why you cant use it yet in ImpressCMS 1.1.*

there is a release of it at this moment, if you want to use it check this link

If you want to test the SVN version, please try it with the latest core in the trunk SVN.

Re: Downloading iforum

by Peter on 3/1/2009 6:07:02

The latest 1.1
Re: Downloading iforum

by david on 3/1/2009 6:04:08

Which Impress version are you using?
Re: Downloading iforum

by Peter on 3/1/2009 5:48:16

Changed the name to newbb upload the folder into modules, but there is nothing vissible in the admin.
Re: Downloading iforum

by exp on 3/1/2009 5:13:16

I try it to rename to newbb and have no luck. I did not find time to try again, it were fine if its works, so we can test this module to get a new forum module without the framework.
