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Re: Languages for Downloads site

by hisapapa on 20/4/2009 16:07:40

Sorry Mistake.
Re: Languages for Downloads site

by davidl2 on 11/6/2008 3:07:17

I'd like to Giba - but my health is getting very bad at the moment.

If people will be patient with me, and remind me, I will work on this.
Re: Languages for Downloads site

by GibaPhp on 11/6/2008 2:55:16


davidl2 wrote:
Can someone take over this for me please.

I'm afraid I don't have time to finish it.

My friend, I appoint you to work just because I do not have right of access and trust that will do a great job too.
Re: Languages for Downloads site

by davidl2 on 10/6/2008 16:28:48

Can someone take over this for me please.

I'm afraid I don't have time to finish it.
Re: Languages for Downloads site

by GibaPhp on 10/6/2008 16:10:33