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Re: Addons in the Addons-Part of

by david on 2011/3/13 12:50:39

Could be a nice addition... and if you can think of any way to allow wf-download to use imtagging as well... better still!
Re: Addons in the Addons-Part of

by QM-B on 2011/3/13 12:38:24

So you think, we could use this in wfdownloads, too? with some little changes in the code of course..
Re: Addons in the Addons-Part of

by McDonald on 2011/3/13 12:35:59


QM-B wrote:
@McDonald: any way to implement these category functions to wfdownloads, too?
Or does anyone have an idea how to handle this with the current functions of the module?

Think WFDownloads and imLinks are pretty similar when looking at the database tables.
The only difference is that imLinks has an extra table for the alternate categories (imlinks_altcat).
Re: Addons in the Addons-Part of

by QM-B on 2011/3/13 9:21:12


Grading the modules on their compatibility
Grading the modules on their requirements (libraries, frameworks etc)
Looking for required modules where no compatible ones exist
and so on....

Would be cool to handle the categories like in imlinks: set different Categories to one file, so we could filter by different categories.


The downloads area on is very good - and I think we can adopt some of the ideas there as well.

I think so, too. For the basic order it would be better to organize like they do. With some more categories (like requirements->framework, Release-Candidates/Finals or something like this) we could filter whatever we want to.
The same of course for themes, templates...
@McDonald: any way to implement these category functions to wfdownloads, too?
Or does anyone have an idea how to handle this with the current functions of the module?
Re: Addons in the Addons-Part of

by david on 2011/3/13 8:18:51

Some good ideas there - we've had a few threads for ideas about addons... started by Underdog and fiammybe

There's a few ideas we discussed including:

Grading the modules on their compatibility
Grading the modules on their requirements (libraries, frameworks etc)
Looking for required modules where no compatible ones exist
and so on....

The downloads area on is very good - and I think we can adopt some of the ideas there as well.

I've a few ideas I need to post on this later.