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Re: Boiler - let's call it 0.2 - Ready for testing!

by debianus on 19/4/2012 16:04:02

I wish your daughter is better just now.
Re: Boiler - let's call it 0.2 - Ready for testing!

by fiammybe on 19/4/2012 13:39:51

Very exciting to see this advance.
I hope your daughter is better now. This time of year is risky for getting sick.
Re: Boiler - let's call it 0.2 - Ready for testing!

by sato-san on 18/4/2012 19:29:32

Thank you again, I can not will wait
Re: Boiler - let's call it 0.2 - Ready for testing!

by Will on 18/4/2012 14:42:48

I have some more updated coming for Boiler. This next version will be release as a 1.0, so hold tight on using it in production until then.

I am running a little behind because my daughter was very ill last week, so when I get caught up I will try and get these changes merged and and push them out to you guys.
Re: Boiler - let's call it 0.2 - Ready for testing!

by Will on 6/4/2012 12:57:02

I guess that really depends on the site in question, if you have a large left column - then I could see this being a concern.

While I wrote boiler to not require changing the html markup - for some sites that may be a necessity.

If I had a left column that wasn't always necessary - I would probably do what I did to the menu and make it collapsed by default.

What I may do is allow you to set the order of blocks, and then they will by default collapses ltr

[L] [C] [R]
[C] [L] [R]
[L] [R] [C]

kinda stuff.