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Re: imTagging module - do tags work?

by skenow on 9/12/2023 16:58:13

I've been looking at this and finding there are a couple more things to finish -

  1. Blocks are defined in icms_version.php, but the files are not present (tag_recent.php and tag_by_month.php)
  2. Category blocks - I'd like to have an index of categories block, since categories are what's available to use

Re: imTagging module - do tags work?

by skenow on 6/12/2023 11:01:54

I'd be interested in seeing this done, too.

Looking at the code and the model document (doc/imtagging_model.pdf), it appears there should be at least 1 more class to implement - tag_link, similar to category_link. Maybe some form elements, too?

Other considerations would be to use Sprockets and get that working as you would like and then integrate that with the module of choice.

Re: imTagging module - do tags work?

by fiammybe on 6/9/2023 9:17:19

OK, it looked like it as well, but I wanted to be certain.µ

I'll see if I can add that part easily, otherwise I'll remove it from the upcoming release and put the relevant code in a branch for later inclusion.

Re: imTagging module - do tags work?

by skenow on 2/9/2023 15:16:33

That part of it was never really finished, I believe.

imTagging module - do tags work?

by fiammybe on 1/9/2023 14:53:36

Hi, i'm trying to integrate imtagging into the events module ( and I seem to miss the function that stores the link between a specific tag and the current object. I'm not a real user of that module, so I'm asking myself if that functionality is working all right within the imtagging module?