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Re: disabling or overriding icms.css

Subject: Re: disabling or overriding icms.css
by skenow on 2012/2/28 16:32:29


by Will on 2012/2/28 16:39:09

Hi guys, can I make a suggestion?



I agree, in theory.

icms.css and icms_rtl.css are completely unnecessary and are only there because they have always been there (or there under a different name). An extra css file to include is just another http call and an inefficient way to take care of styling.

All the elements in those 2 files should be defined in each theme, not here. If we were to just remove these files, old themes would need to be updated to be sure these elements got styled.

I am about to mark them both as deprecated and the warnings will start showing up in the debug messages. Start updating your themes, these files will be gone in 2.0!