Re: Pimp up your pagination |
Subject: Re: Pimp up your pagination by skenow on 26/4/2012 21:00:46 Easy enough to query the files in the paginationstyles/css/ folder - in fact, it will be in 2.0 very shortly. update libraries/paginationstyles/paginationstyles.php and replace all the existing code with this
$style_list = icms_core_Filesystem::getFileList(ICMS_LIBRARIES_PATH . "/paginationstyles/css/", "", array("css"), TRUE);
foreach ($style_list as $filename) {
$filename = str_ireplace(".css", "", $filename);
$styles[] = array(
'name' => ucfirst($filename),
'fcss' => $filename,
Now, you just have to place a new css file in the folder and you'll get the new option. The name in the option list will be the name of the file without the extension. |